If you made it to this page, you most likely attended the NSANC session on March 8th. You’re probably also wondering where the resources I promised were. Now do you think I’d give a presentation on video and not take this opportunity to demonstrate one last thing? When I deliver a presentation, my rule is to not sell from the platform unless I am paying for that platform. After a presentation, the audience is more than ready to snatch up the free resources that you’re offering, just like you are right at this moment. So, before you get the goodies, you’re going to see this technique in action.
Are you a small business owner that is just tired of fighting with technology? You have great ideas, but instead of technology helping you, it’s probably getting in your way. My name is Jim Carrillo with Blue Marquee Consulting, and I help people just like you get back to making money, and out of the minutia. Whether you want to just have someone else take care of things, or get trained on how to do it yourself, Blue Marquee can help you with your technolgy pains like Websites, Videos, and online marketing. Check out our very cost effective Virtual Technical Assistant services in the menu of our site. Now as a thank you for attending our presentation, simply add the word Video to the URL I provided. That’s bluemarquee.com/nsavideo. There you’ll find the resources I mentioned in the meeting. Leave a comment on the page if there’s anything I left out, and I’ll sure to add it back.
Remember, when technology starts to stress you out, just give me a call, and well find a solution.